Friday, May 09, 2014

I'm The Mama

I’ve laid down the parenting books.  It didn’t take me long after having my first child to put them away.  Perhaps longer than my husband would have liked.  I may have driven him crazy in my attempt to follow all the rules to get an infant to sleep.  As a new parent I was clueless about taking care of a child, so expert advice is what I needed, right?  Expert advice is what I needed until my child no longer followed the rules.  I mean I was following the guidelines, but little man decided around one year old he was no longer going to play this game and the ball was in his court.  It’s not like I gave him the ball. He stole it and was not a player exhibiting good sportsmanship.

What do you do when the playbooks no longer work? 

You declare you are The Mama and the God of Angel Armies is on your side, because He called you to be The Mama.  It is important to note that the God of Angel Armies is on Mama’s side here because when a child refuses to sleep and always wants you by his side, you need the Master of the Universe to come to your child’s rescue, um, I mean Mama’s rescue.

I remember the liberating moment when I declared in my mind, I’m The Mama!!!  Very kind people were offering me advice as to how to handle my still overly attached child. I thought for a brief time they must be experts because they have kids, they have been through this and their wailing child isn’t clinging to their legs.  Then I realized that I’m the Mama and I finally get to call the shots.  Whoohoo!

Our entire lives we spend listening to our parents, teachers, and bosses.  When we become parents the decision making responsibility rests heavily and wholly on our shoulders.  Sure it is good to receive advice from others and exchange parenting ideas.  However, for me especially, there is something freeing about knowing that I get to make the decisions, along with my husband of course, about our family and our children.  Something frightening as well.    

Now I don’t want to go rogue on all this parenting stuff.  Remember the God of Angel Armies.  Yeah, He is the one to whom I must report and who will give me the playbook.  I must look to His book, which unfortunately does not provide tips for getting a three year old to go to sleep or use the bathroom.

So to all you moms out there, who are tired of reading books and getting lots of advice that doesn’t seem to work in your situation, put them away.  Seriously stop turning the pages and searching the Internet (at least for a time).  Instead, declare you are The Mama and God is on your side.  He will strengthen you. He will advise you in the way you should parent for your child.  He will give you the ability to endure all the seasons of your child’s life.  He will provide superb coffee and chocolate.

If you don’t know what you’re doing, pray to the Father. He loves to help. You’ll get his help, and won’t be condescended to when you ask for it. Ask boldly, believingly, without a second thought.  James 1:5 (The Message)

He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms
and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.  Isaiah 40:11 (NIV)

May I encourage you to pray for wisdom, direction, and counsel?  Then stand up and be the Mama!

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