Friday, August 08, 2008

Toilet Paper

Here are a few pictures of the toilet paper store near a place where we stayed in Rijeka. We both were amazed that an entire store would sell such bright colored toilet paper.


  1. Wow, colored toilet paper...not a concept that I ever really thought of before...wonder if it turns the water colors too??

  2. Hey Jamey and Meredith! How are you guys doing? My e-mail address is, and I've been wondering how you are. Branamir just asked for your guys contact info, and so I googled you guys and found this blog, haha. I like it. This is Zak, by the way. Anyway, I hope you're doing well. Branamir will try to contact you, I think, or you can tell me your e-mail and I can give it to him or something. Bye for now. I hope you hear from you soon.

  3. hyy jamey... hows going... i want to contact you but i didn't know your adres so zak give me your blog so i will leave a coment... my e-mail is and my facebook branimir Štefanović... contact me i have some great news for you...bye for now
