Wednesday, January 15, 2014

He Says, I Love You

Last week, I wrote about my need to say the words I love you to God.  You can read it here.  And all this love talk got me thinking about how I need to hear these words from the Lord.  You know he says them to us.  He will say it often if we would still ourselves enough to know it.  I know he doesn't speak audibly to most of us, but he does speak.  His words to us are written and have not changed for thousands of years.

Did you keep love letters in a shoe box like I did? Did you open the box occassionally to read those sweet words that years later would bring a smile to your face?  Do you need to open God's love letter to you?  Do you know what his letters might say to you?

May I share some of his words with you?

(Your name),

I love you.  I created you so I could love you and you could love me in return.  You are wanted.  I wanted you before the creation of time.  You were on my mind.  I know this is hard to believe, but it is true. I am the one who knit you together in your mother’s womb.  I am the one who knows everything about you, when you sleep, when you rise, where you go, the number of the hairs on your head.  I care about every detail of your life.

I delight in you.  You make me smile and you make me sing.  It is not what you do that brings me pleasure, but that you love me and put your hope in me. 

I will lavish my love upon you, if you will let me, because you are my child, my treasured possession. Yes, you are treasured.

I hope that you will grow in the knowledge of how wide and long and high and deep is the love I have for you.  My love is a strong, everlasting love that can’t be broken.  I promise to never leave you, nor forsake you. 

Do you know how much I love you?  Do you know how much I want you to know me and my love for you?  

I love you so much that I asked my first-born son to die to fix our broken relationship.  You have not always been faithful in our relationship.  You have not always wanted to be loved by me.  Sometimes you went and did your own thing.  And it hurt me.  But I showed you the greatest love, for my son laid down his life for you.  My son died for you, for our relationship.  I asked him to because I love you so much and did not want to be separated from you.  I want to spend all of eternity with you.

So when you doubt my love, you read my words and remember the truth.  Let my love fill you.

I love you, (your name)


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